Informed by nearly six months of consultation, where we were guided by stakeholders, statutory consultees, and the wider community as to what you would like to see, we have been delighted to be able to lay out our updated vision to create a colourful new heart for Knowle, where community, celebration, and convenience meet.

It is clear from all our discussions that we all want to create a thriving, vibrant new shopping and leisure destination that celebrates South Bristol. An inclusive place where the community can come together, spend time, meet, shop, and relax. A sustainable place where community facilities, health services, shops, cafes, and restaurants complement each other, and support the wider town centre, along with new homes to meet the urgent housing need in the area.

The Redcatch Quarter will be a destination that offers something for all ages with:

  • A new neighbourhood cinema – the only one in South Bristol
  • A pedestrian high street that celebrates Redcatch Park, with planted areas and pocket parks continuing up towards the Wells Road
  • A community hub, including a new library and community café in a central courtyard
  • Essential services, including a local supermarket, pharmacy and dentist
  • Flexible retail and commercial space that offers a blank canvas for forward-thinking businesses to mould to their specific requirements
  • Around 800 sustainable homes designed for effortless modern living, including affordable homes
  • A dedicated café and restaurant area overlooking the park ϊ Public and private areas designed to enhance biodiversity
  • A Net-Zero Carbon ready energy approach (operational)
A New Herat for Knowle

Indicative sketch of an eye-level view from Redcatch Park.

Pineapple Awards Nomination for a pineapple award

The Redcatch Development Partnership, together with Hypha Studios, were earlier in the year nominated for a Pineapple Award for our work repurposing the vacant retail stores to support up-and-coming artists – bringing photography, poetry, performance and visual & digital arts into Broadwalk. We intend to similarly bring art and performance into the Redcatch Quarter.

A New Heart for Knowle